Mucus Extractor | StaySafe Medical Clothing

Medical Clothing

Mucus Extractor

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We are a CE, ISO and USFDA approved Mucus Extractor manufacturer.

StaySafe Mucus Extractor Packaging
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Mucus Extractor
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*Inquire with us if you require specifications different from our main range.

How to Choose the Right Mucus Extractor

Product Features:

  • Clear transparent container for immediate visual examination
  • Low friction surface
  • Suitable for babies
  • Silky smooth tip
  • Spare closure cap
  • Designed with a hydrophobic filter

Still Not Sure How to Choose the Right Mucus Extractor

Product Details:

StaySafe™ Mucus Extractor

is internationally distributed and recognized for reliable quality and exceptional value. With distribution across developed and developing markets alike, our products are uniquely positioned as the brand of choice for medical professionals.

Our mucus extractor is specially designed for the successful aspiration of mucus in newly born babies to ensure trouble-free respiration. It is also utilized to obtain sputum and/or tracheal aspirate specimens (mucus specimens) to identify possible bacteria in the lungs.

Our mucus extractors are intended for single use only and are manufactured following strict CE, ISO and USFDA standards.

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Mucus Extractor FAQs

Why should I use StaySafe™ mucus extractors?
There are a number of reasons to use StaySafe™ mucus extractors: they are equipped with a clear transparent container which permits an immediate visual examination of the extracted aspirate, they feature a low friction surface catheter with an open-end silky smooth tip, which ensures an injection-free of trauma and/or pain, and they are also equipped with a spare closure cap for sealing the container so as to ensure safe transportation to the laboratory for testing or aseptic disposal of the container. Finally, they are also especially designed with a hydrophobic filter which prevents the transmission of mucus to the user during suction.
What precautions should I take when using StaySafe™ mucus extractor?
When using StaySafe™ mucus extractor always make sure to clean the medical equipment before and after use, avoid using the product if there are signs that its packaging was tampered with, do not use after expiry date, and keep it away from the reach of children.
How should I use StaySafe™ mucus extractor?
When using StaySafe™ mucus extractor always make sure to clean the mucus extractor before and after use to prevent passing germs and bacteria into the recipient’s nose. Then place the patient on their back and tilt their head up slightly, gently squeeze the bulb portion of the mucus extractor to remove the air present, and continue by gently and carefully inserting the tip of the medical equipment into the patient’s nostril and release the bulb. The created suction pulls the mucus from the patient’s nose into the mucus extractor. Finally, expel the mucus into a tissue, then wipe the tip of the mucus extractor with a tissue and repeat as needed.
Do you have more questions about our Mucus Extractor? Contact Us!